Friday, March 5, 2010


Ok, here I am ready to talk about quilting again.

I have finished cleaning out and straightening my sewing room. It's not perfect - I still need a cutting table in there.  One day... in the mean time I will cut in the dining room on my big mat and use the smaller one still upstairs on the desk. I can live with this for now.  Every other Thursday I now quilt with some other ladies.  It's fun!!

I have made up my mind to make some items to sell - somewhere!! I want to be able to stay home and to be able to do that I need to find a way to make some money from home.  I am investing some time to see if I can make some products ready for a craft sale in October in GA.  We will see.  I have plenty of ideas - just need to get them ready.  :)  Here's hoping... I will post pictures of what I have  going on  later next week.

Friday, February 12, 2010


I am moving all but my quilting stuff to my other blog... Keeper of Our Home.  I will post my quilting stuff here from now on... and our home stuff on the other blog... I am hoping to be more organized (AGAIN!!) and do this right.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Went to church this morning... good service.  Talking about walking in the light, in fellowship with God, and in the Spirit - and all that that means... interesting eye opening stuff.  First Sunday of the month is always communion so we had that today too.

Didn't do much of anything today - just one of those days, I guess.  I'll more than make up for it tomorrow though, I'm sure.  :)  Bread to make, supper for more people, and a dog to babysit.  Kr is bringing her dog for J to watch... should be interesting.!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010


Today was the day we went to what I thought was going to be a craft type sale - to sell things... lo, and behold - it was a glorified garage sale!!  I sold a baby bib and a kleenex holder...  didn't even cover the cost of the table... I was bummed. 

We are going to the Green Market in town on Tuesday to see if it's do-able for selling things... hope so!!  I want to find an outlet for my sewing projects. 

Tonight the electric went off for about 45 minutes - we were having some (ALOT!) rain and the transformer went... up and going again - I need to go sew some more... 

Going to a quilt show tomorrow - love those - going with two friends.  Hope to  be inspired!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Busy week

This week has been very busy.  Usually I am BUSY only on Mondays.  This week, however, we have  been at it every day - and it will not stop until next Tuesday!!  I like it but am glad it does not happen every week.  Today I'm off to do Angel Food Ministry at church.  Every Thursday I go in to take orders - sometimes we get them, sometimes we don't... have to be there though, just in case.  I will most likely take a quilt to keep busy with though - need to finish two soon!  Taking way too long. 

I have been busy doing blocks of the month with five - well, four others.  There were six of us supposed to be doing them, but one just didn't do it... she says it took her FIVE HOURS to choose the fabric (we chose to do scrappy) for one block  - and then she made it wrong.  She laughed.  Below you can see the blocks, some of them, that I have done so far...  I am making two of each pattern so it can go on our queen size guest bed.

I don't know how to center these or make them look neater but here they are... I'll post the others when I have batteries in my camera!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Oh, my goodness

I thought I'd be doing so much better with blogging... what a laugh...  I have been gone almost two months!!  That is terrible.  I will TRY to do better.

The wedding is over, Christmas is done.  We had two birthdays in January - -- now it's the first of February... no b-day's this month, but two in March. 
I have been busy quilting...

                      This is the quilt I made for a friend from college years

This is a close up of the quilt

Another view of it...

I have others I've been working on too - and will post them another time...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Well, it finally arrived!!! She was beautiful.  I'm going to post only a couple of pictures - we don't have the professional ones yet - will post more when we get those.  This one is where they were exchanging rings.
At the reception...
The beautiful bride
The day was rainy and the pictures had to be taken other than planned so we will see how they turn out - not sure how long it will take to get the professional ones back.  But I will post them as soon as they are here. 

We still have the new husband's family here in our home - they leave to go back to Haiti on Friday - bright and early.  They are out shopping at the present moment.  The three of us (ds's and I) are busy with schoolwork/computer work right now... nice and quiet for a few hours :)  and we are taking advantage of it. 

I was sitting here wondering where I want to go with this blog - IF I want to do much more... 2010 will be a bit quieter, I think... maybe set some goals in different areas - homekeeping, handwork, organization of time/things, sewing, reading, prayer/devotional life... we'll see...